Yoga for OCD

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? 

Yoga for OCD defines as a mental disorder concerned with extreme anxiety.

Yoga describes it as a psychiatric disorder—people who live a highly stressful life quickly come under the influence of OCD.

A person suffering from it becomes very sentimental, lives under fear and aggression, grows unnatural behaviour, etc.

In this disorder, a patient undergoes repetitive encounters like washing hands, counting money, susceptive observation, and closing the doors.

There are different levels of OCD, and most people get this disorder after 35 years of age.


Yoga for OCD

Yoga and Ayurveda have been in practice for thousands of years. People followed these to cure different ailments and problems.

There are different Yoga practices, including Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, etc.

Yogic terminology believes that Obsessive-compulsive disorder generates after extreme thinking, and the mind becomes weak.

Yoga plays a vital role in working on it; yoga balances the physical and mental body.

10 Asanas are beneficial to cure OCD. During 200-hour YTTC and Yoga Retreats, we pay special attention to these asanas:-

1. Siddhasana(Meditative pose);
2. Padmasana(Lotus pose);
3. Paschimottanasana(Two-legged forward bend);
4. Tadasana(Mountain pose);
5. Marjariasana(Cat pose);
6. Setubandha asana(Bridge pose);
7. Matsayaasana(Fish pose);
8. Adho Mukha Savanasana(Dog pose);
9. Sarvangasana(Shoulder stand pose);
10. Savasana(Corpse Pose).

Pranayama for Obsessive-Compulsive disorder

Pranayama is an essential practice of Yogic methodology. Therefore, everyone should practise in a daily routine.

Prana(breath) profoundly influence the physical and mental body. With proper breathing, it is easier to solve any mental problems.

In Pranayama, there are different breathing practices by which a practitioner makes his pranic level more profound and clear.

It helps the lungs work appropriately, and the mind becomes calm after a good supply of oxygen in the brain.

There are a few Pranayamas, Yoga for OCD that is highly suitable to cure it, and these are:-

Meditation for OCD

In Sanskrit, meditation means Dhyana. Dhyana means to focus or concentrate on any object. Therefore, Kundalini is a highly reasonable practice to work on it.

There are different practices of Dhyana. But, in simple words, meditation is the easiest and the best remedy for OCD.

For meditation, a person needs to find a peaceful environment and easily practice sitting, lying, or walking.

There are a few meditative practices that are highly suitable to work yoga on Obsessive-compulsive disorder:-

1. Guided meditation;
2. Transcendental meditation;
3. Yog Nidra;

Ayurveda for curing OCD

Ayurveda is a part of traditional Indian practices. Ayur means an age, and this medical science is concerned with a healthy lifestyle.

Ayurveda is based on natural herbs and works to cure the body after finding particular symptoms.

According to Ayurveda, one needs to hit the root of the ailment, and it will be helpful to find a remedy for that problem.

It believes that a human body has three Doshas, called the nature of the human body.

Ayurveda explains that when one of these doshas is imbalanced, they bring sickness to the body, related to that specific Dosha.

Ayurveda confirms that mental disorders arise when one of the Dosha aggravates, it is out of balance:

Vata imbalances fear, anxiety and insomnia.
Pitta Dosha is responsible for excessive anger.
Kapha aggravates depression.

Mostly OCD cases are profound active when Vata is out of order. Ayurveda helps to cure OCD with a natural offering, and a few herbs have a significant impact on the brain. These practices are:-

1. Diet modification;
2. A healthy routine;
3. Natural surrounding;
4. Physical exercises for releasing toxins;
5. Medicinal herbal medicines.

Ayurveda also prescribes Ayurvedic detoxifying massages and treatments which are:-

1. Shirodhara;
2. Abhayangam massage;
3. Panchakarma treatment;
4. Udvartana treatment;
5. Kayakalp treatment.

Note: Please look at a fascinating blog, Yoga for Migraine, recommended for people suffering from migraines and headaches.