Yog Niketan Dham

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Online

Our Yoga Alliance US Certified 200-hour yoga teacher training online is the best yoga instructor certification course. 

We have the best online yoga classes in India, and they came into existence after considering the COVID-19 situation. 

Our experienced registered yoga teachers in India are now available live for the best online yoga classes and yoga instructor certification courses. 

This 200hour yoga teacher training is perfect for yoga enthusiasts worldwide who have busy schedules and cannot travel.


200-hour yttc online course is according to Yoga Alliance US guidelines and is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners.

Our online yoga classes offer traditional practices of multi-style Hatha Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Shatkarmas, and Ashtanga Yoga, along with a blend of advanced healing practices.


This 200-hour online yoga teacher training combines nearly 150 yoga asanas with intensive knowledge of designing a yoga class.

Our best online yoga classes include body adjustment, proper alignment, prop-ups, yoga Anatomy, meditationYoga philosophy, mantra chanting, and breathing techniques.


To be an RYS 200 (Registered Yoga School) accredited with Yoga Alliance US, Yog Niketan Dham offers each student a yoga instructor certification after completing a 200-hour yoga teacher training online course.

After pursuing 200 hours of yoga teacher training online, our students may use this certificate to work as Registered Yoga teachers and spread their yogic wisdom for a prosperous world.


200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Online/ Yoga Instructor Certification Highlights

  • Brief introduction about the history, definition, and meaning of Hatha Yog. It involves more than 150 Hatha yoga asanas practice.
  • Description of Asanas, and how to practice them in a sufficient manner.
  • Sukshma Vyayama (Warming up exercises for muscles, bones, joints, and other glands).
  • Standing series of Asanas for stability and balancing.
  • Asanas of kneeling series to improve concentration level and focus.
  • Postures into sitting positions which are to inhance pranayama and the meditation practices.
  • Prone series of postures for digestive system and to adjust the lower body system.
  • Supinal series of asanas to activate the nervous system and to increase blood circulation.
  • Postures of inversion series for advanvced practices.
  • Importance of adjustment and sequencing of appropriate poses.
  • During 200 hour yoga teacher training online, we explained Asana’s benefits and contra-indications in detail.
  • 200 hour yoga teacher training online is a great platform to learn promising practices of Ashtanga yoga.
  • Meaning and introduction of traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice.
  • The practice of power yoga, strength building, endurance, and balancing poses.
  • Primary first three levels.
  • Drishtis in the Ashtanga yoga series and their importance.
  • Importance of Ujjayi breathing and making Bandhas in the Ashtanga series.
  • Meaning and difference between prana and pranayama?
  • Types of different pranayama practices.
  • The practice of the essential eight traditional Pranayamas.
  • Thoracic breathing, Chest breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing.
  • What is Nadi or the veins?
  • Introduction of major Nadis in our body.
  • Indian Darshan or six eastern philosophies.
  • Introduction of Yoga Science. History of Yoga.
  • The five Koshas or sheaths in human body.
  • Self-Realization & Liberation. Why?
  • What is Consciousness, sub-consciousness, and super-consciousness?
  • The four foundational pillars of life.
  • Eight limbs of Yoga by Patanjali.
  • What is the waking state in Yogic world?
  • What is a dreaming state in Yogic Science?
  • What are Meditation and Yoga Nidra? How are they alike?
  • Introduction of Yoga Anatomy and Physiology?
  • Introduction of human Skeletal, Muscular Systems, and contraction in the Muscular System.
  • Introduction of Respiratory system and Yogic breathing.
  • The Shat kriya practices and their benefits on the body.
  • Connection of Pranayama practices to digestive and Immune Systems.
  • How asanas practice work and their various effect on Joints, Spinal cord, and the muscles.
  • To know the basic structure and types of joints to avoid injury during Asana classes.
  • What is Dhyana or Meditation? Different types of Meditation.
  • What is the difference between Dharna and Dhyana?
  • Chakra Meditation.
  • Breath Awareness Meditation.
  • Contemplative Walking Meditation.
  • Mantra Awareness Meditation.
  • Inner Light Meditation.
  • Full Moon Meditation.
  • Six steps of doing Asana correctly. How to use props for protection?
  • Introduction of side bending and front & back bending.
  • How to make the mind flexible by making the body flexible?
  • Alternative style of Asana for various benefits.
  • Various limitations and contraindications of specific Yoga practices.
  • What are shatkarmas? An Introduction of Shat Karmas according to classical Hatha Yoga.
  • Daily practicum of Jal Neti and Sutra Neti (Cleansing Mucous or blockages from nasal passages and sinuses).
  • Practicals of Kunjal Kriya (Cleansing the excessive mucous from the digestive tract).
  • The practice of Danda Dhauti to cleanse the stomach and heart tracking.
  • Importance of Mudras according to Hatha Yog Pradipika. Types of Mudras.
  • Knowledge of Mudras for curing the Ailments.
  • Physical, Mental, and Spiritual benefits of Mudras.
  • Practicum of Gyana & Chin Mudra. Practicum of Ashwini Mudra.
  • Discipline for Yog Teachers and Students.
  • A scope of listening, presence, directive, and non-directive dialogue in between a teacher and student.
  • How important is demonstration?
  • What are the preparations for the classroom?
  • What are several steps to becoming a great Yoga teacher?
  • Nine Main Doors in Human Body.
  • What are Yogic locks?
  • What are its preparations & benefits?
  • Three Main Bandhas(Mool Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha & Jalandhar Bandha) and their importance.
  • Maha Bandha- Great Lock.
  • What is Ayurveda Science?
  • How does the Ayurvedic art of living help in Yogic life?
  • What are six tastes? How can six tastes balance the mind and body?
  • What are the three primary mind-body constitutions?
  • What does health mean in Ayurveda?
  • Knowledge of pulse reading.
  • What are Doshas, and how do they affect the human body?

Online Yoga Classes Schedule:

Day Session
Monday:Yoga for Beginners
Tuesday:Yoga for Strengthening
Wednesday:Hatha Yoga Class
Thursday:Yoga for Flexibility
Friday:OFF DAY
Saturday:Adjustment and pop-up class
Sunday:Pranayama & Meditation class

Best Online Yoga Classes Fee Structure:

Duration Group Class Private Class
60 Min. $30 USD $40 USD
90 Min. $40 USD $60 USD
Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Fee:

$599 USD

Next Course: June 1st, 2024
Yoga Counseling:

$60 USD

(for 60 min.)

Upcoming Course Dates

1 October, 2024

Online classes

1 November, 2024

Online Classes

1 October, 2024

Online classes

1 December, 2024

Online classes

1 January, 2025

Online classes