Yog Niketan Dham

The 5 Best Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain and Sciatica Pain.

Yoga provides a fantastic platform for working on lower back problems. Yoga poses for lower back pain provide stability, strength, endurance, and movements in the target areas. According to Patanjali Yogasutra, Yoga asanas or poses are defined as Sthira Sukham Asanam.” It means any posture in which the body is stable and comfortable is called an asana. […]

Yoga Nidra

                                            What is Yoga Nidra?  Yoga Nidra is a Sanskrit word that means ‘yogic sleep.’ In yogic practices, it is counted as an effortless superconscious sleep. Yogic sleep is the art of reaching up

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners Yoga is a very healthy wellness program that has been practiced for decades. Yoga was formed to join and to know our natural appearance.  In modern days it has become a lifestyle in all age groups. Yoga for beginners is about being familiar with the physical and mental body.  Yoga for beginners


Astavakrasana, or the Eight-Angle pose, was named after a noble Yogi Ashtavakra. The eight-angle pose is mainly practiced in the Hatha yoga practice. There is a magical energy work after practicing Astavakrasana. He was the son of King Kagola, who cursed him for having curves on his body when he was in his mother’s womb.  In

Yoga for Migraine

                                         Yoga for Migraine and headaches Yoga for Migraines and headaches is simply a perfect practice to eliminate them. A migraine is considered a severe headache and is classified as a neurological disorder.  It exists in people

Yoga for OCD

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?  Yoga for OCD defines as a mental disorder concerned with extreme anxiety. Yoga describes it as a psychiatric disorder—people who live a highly stressful life quickly come under the influence of OCD. A person suffering from it becomes very sentimental, lives under fear and aggression, grows unnatural behaviour, etc. In


Salabhasana, or Locust pose, came into existence after a great yogi, Shalabh, revealed this posture to cure back problems. Salabhasana, or Locust pose, is an intermediate-level asana practiced after lying on the stomach. Salabhasana should practice with an empty stomach. Therefore, we manifest Salabhasana briefly during our Yoga Teacher Training Programmes and Yoga Retreats. In

Chaturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana, or four-limbed staff pose, is a momentous asana in Hatha Yoga,  Ashtanga Yoga, and the Sun salutation series. In Sanskrit, Chatur means Four, Anga represents limbs, and Danda means Staff.  It resembles the spine of a human being. It is pronounced as Chaturanga-Dandasana, or “Cha-tur-anga- dandasana.” It is considered another variation of the Plank pose with different