Yog Niketan Dham

Yoga for Migraine

                                         Yoga for Migraine and headaches Yoga for Migraines and headaches is simply a perfect practice to eliminate them. A migraine is considered a severe headache and is classified as a neurological disorder.  It exists in people […]

Yoga for OCD

What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?  Yoga for OCD defines as a mental disorder concerned with extreme anxiety. Yoga describes it as a psychiatric disorder—people who live a highly stressful life quickly come under the influence of OCD. A person suffering from it becomes very sentimental, lives under fear and aggression, grows unnatural behaviour, etc. In


https://youtu.be/Mnp3C4aJm4Q?si=FnO82XbNzaE_6GKA                                                      Salabhasana Salabhasana, or Locust pose, came into existence after a great yogi, Shalabh, revealed this posture to cure back problems. It is an intermediate-level asana practised after lying

Chaturanga Dandasana

https://youtu.be/QqUrfu7kY3g?si=D8o0jnV4sBvcXnBW  Chaturanga Dandasana, or four-limbed staff pose, is a momentous asana in Hatha Yoga,  Ashtanga Yoga, and the Sun salutation series. In Sanskrit, Chatur means Four, Anga represents limbs, and Danda means Staff.  It resembles the spine of a human being. It is pronounced as Chaturanga-Dandasana, or “Cha-tur-anga- dandasana.” It is considered another variation of the Plank pose with

Surya Bhedi Pranayama

https://youtu.be/uHNFOJfk3bU?si=uVsswJohJjg2cmWv   Surya Bhedi pranayama, or Right Nostril piercing pranayama, constructs two words: Surya (Sun)+ Bhedna (drilling). It is one of the essential Pranayamas mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Swatamaram. Surya Bhedi pranayama, As per Yogic Scriptures, the left nostril is called Ida or Chandra Nadi (moon nostril), and the right nostril represents

Ujjayi Pranayama

Ujjayi Pranayama, the Ujjayi word, comes from the Sanskrit language. It means ‘victorious’ and has a root in the Sanskrit Ujji word, which means to attain a higher level.  Ujjayi Pranayama is also called triumph over decay and death. It is because it deeply works on the physical, pranic, and mental bodies. Hatha Yoga Pradipika


                                What is Kundalini? Kundalini word came from the Sanskrit language. It signifies the rising energy or consciousness at the spinal cord’s base, coiled like a serpent.  Scientists have been innovating new technologies, and yogis from ancient India researched them