
Kundalini word came from the Sanskrit language. Kundalini signifies the rising energy or consciousness at the spinal cord’s base, coiled like a serpent. 

Scientists have been innovating new technologies, and yogis from ancient India researched them and used them as a medium of self-realization.

One of the ancient texts, Purush Sukta, describes Kunda-lini Shakti as:-

There are thousands of natural powers in the human body system; if they are fully awake, we will forget this materialistic world and the temporary enjoyment of our senses.

Does Kunda-lini exist?

It is an eternal superpower; this energy triggers the formation of a new child in the womb and then coils 3 ½ times at the base of the spine to store the energy in the static field until we attain death. It is super consciousness, knowledge, and a universal truth.


According to Swetashvaropanishad,

“Na tasya roganam na jara na mratyu praptasyah, Yogaganimayam sariram.”  It refers to ‘Nachiket’ Agni or fire. Whoever attains the state of ‘Tri-Nachiket” can be free from the life cycle. Their bodies exist Yoga-Agni, and they do not have old age, ailments, or death.

There are three stages of Kunda-lini Shakti:-

  1. Kumari(Teenage),
  2. Kumaravastha(Adulthood),
  3. Jagrat(Awaken stage).                                                                                                                         When it awakes, it makes a mild noise. First, lord Brahma experienced this stage of awakening Kundalini.

There is a descriptive presentation about awakening it in Hatha Yoga. During our YTTC in Rishikesh, India & Yoga retreats, we offer several Yogasanas, PranayamaBandhas, Mudras, and Shatkarmas to awaken it.

Tantra Yoga fully acknowledges this spiritual movement. Buddhism, Taoism, Native American, and indigenous societies also have great versions of Kundalini.

How to awaken Kundalini’s power?

Kundalini is a myth for unaware people; spiritually awake people sense it is asleep on the tailbone. 

Dhyan Yoga is the best way to awaken the Ajna Chakra. When a practitioner continuously concentrates on this channel, the heat appears, which helps activate Shusumna Nadi, which follows to revive it.


There are two main asanas, Siddhasana and Vajrasana, that are persuasive enough to make Mool bandha. Apana Vayu helps activate the Manipur chakra with force. It moves fast throughout the body and purifies pitta and Kapha doshas.

It starts after the practice of Siddhasana. A practitioner should sit in this pose as his left foot’s heel presses the sacrum, and the right leg is on the top of the left. 

The body needs to be straight and hands-on with the knees. It happens because it expands the veins when the spine is straight, and Mooladhara Chakra presses automatically. 

After one month’s continuous practice of Siddhasana, have Siddhis and awaken it.

There are 14 Mudras to awaken Kundali.

They practise with Asanas.

These are:-

  • Mahamudra;
  • Maha bandha;
  • Mahavedha;
  • Viprit-karni Mudra;
  • Tadan mudra;
  • Utpidana;
  • Manduki;
  • Shakti Sanchalini mudra;
  • Vajroli;
  • Khechari;
  • Sambhavi;
  • Moolbandha;
  • Jalandhar bandha;
  • Uddiyana bandha.

Benefits of awakening Kundalini

Kundalini’s awakening can accomplish a wide range of positive and negative phenomena. It
travels fast at 345000 miles a second, while light travels at 185000 miles a second. 

It brings an excellent serenity to a spiritual person, while this extreme force may also destroy an unconscious person.

The actual arousing of the tremendous force of Shaktipat may only be attempted under the expert guidance of a Master of occult science. Otherwise, it may flow downwards and intensify both the desire-nature and the activity of the sexual organ. When it is awake, it brings:-

  • A deep sensation for realising the self entity.
  •  A grand vision to identify channels and reveal the supreme truth.
  • State of super-consciousness of self-awakening.
  • Clarity about thinking.
  • A balanced internal world.
  • Kundalini brings a great sense of working on conflicts.
  • To be stable and attain deep peace and joy.

Note: Regulating chakras regularly is extensive and consumes Pranic energy. It is highly recommended that Kundalini be practised with Chakra and body cleansing.