Yog Niketan Dham

Jin Shin Jyutsu

Jin Shin Jyutsu  Jīn Shin Jyutsu is a traditional Japanese healing discovered by Jiro Murai in 1900. This unique healing is to harmonize the senses and soothes the intellectual body.   It works on awakening wisdom, enhancing equilibrium, and exploring the state of joy. Jīn Shin is an excellent self-healing practice to be healthy and […]

Yoga for Beginners

Yoga for Beginners Yoga is a very healthy wellness program that has been practiced for decades. Yoga was formed to join and to know our natural appearance.  In modern days it has become a lifestyle in all age groups. Yoga for beginners is about being familiar with the physical and mental body.  Yoga for beginners

Kapalbhati Pranayama

Kapalbhati Pranayama is cleansing pranayama, producing Jathragini (digestive fire), and throwing the phlegm out from the lungs. It is also practiced to develop core strengths. Kapal Bhati is a Sanskrit word made of two words Kapal and Bhati. Kapala means forehead, and Bhati means luminosity, glow, or shine.   Kapalbhati Pranayam was a medium for illumination