Yog Niketan Dham


https://youtu.be/Mnp3C4aJm4Q?si=FnO82XbNzaE_6GKA Salabhasana Salabhasana, or Locust pose, came into existence after a great yogi, Shalabh, revealed this posture to cure back problems. It is an intermediate-level asana practised after lying on the stomach. Salabhasana should practice with an empty stomach. Therefore, we manifest Salabhasana briefly during our Yoga Teacher Training Programmes and Yoga Retreats. In yoga therapy, […]

Chaturanga Dandasana

https://youtu.be/QqUrfu7kY3g?si=D8o0jnV4sBvcXnBW Chaturanga Dandasana for Beginners Chaturanga Dandasana pose, or four-limbed staff pose, is a momentous asana in Hatha yoga,  Ashtanga yoga, and the sun salutation series.  In Sanskrit, Chatur means Four, Anga represents limbs, and Danda means Staff.  It resembles the spine of a human being. It is pronounced as Chaturanga-Dandasana, or “Cha-tur-anga- dandasana.” It is considered another variation of