Yog Niketan Dham

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh


Yoga Alliance, US-accredited 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, is highly suitable for beginners, enthusiasts, healers, and experienced yoga teachers to enhance their healing, yoga and wellness skills after visiting our wellness sanctuary.

This yoga teaching certification is for all who wish to experience professional traditional yoga training in Rishikesh for personal growth and have the zeal to become registered yoga teachers.


This yoga 200 hour training follows Yoga Alliance US standards and guidelines. However, we also provide quality multi-style Hatha, Yin, Yang, and Ashtanga yoga teaching with 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

We place equal emphasis on yoga practices and healing techniques during our teacher training in Rishikesh. This is quite a unique experience to stay in nature and to practice yoga with healing practices.

What makes Yog Niketan Dham's Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh unique?

After 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh, with hundreds and thousands of yoga enthusiasts from all around the world, we are proud to say that our yoga courses stand out as :

Yog Niketan Dham is a serene yoga healing sanctuary that delivers the ancient Gurukul Vedic education and aims to welcome the entire globe with the spirit of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, "The World is One Family."


To become an RYS 200 (Registered Yoga School), after completing yoga 200-hour training, we offer each student a yoga teaching certification that enables them to register with Yoga Alliance.

During yoga 200 hour training, we focus on quality teaching and provide vast knowledge about Ayurveda, Pranic healingJin Shin JyutsuReiki, etc.


A 200-hour yoga teacher training program is a spiritual retreat program that allows you to dive deeper into the spiritual world for self-analysis.

It combines nearly 150 asanas (by their names), pranayamas with proper uses, bandhas, shat karmas, mudras, a variety of meditation, mantras, and healings with an intensive knowledge of structuring a yoga class.


On a daily basis, our sessions have a combination of mantra chanting, Asanas practice, breathwork, lockings, and gestures, followed by Savasana in Yoga Nidra.

We guide our students to assist others with their yogic wisdom for healing purposes and who are eager to learn yoga education for their well-being.

This Yoga Alliance accredited 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh has been designed for yoga practitioners who want to achieve professional yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India, for personal sadhana or to become a registered Yoga teacher.


200 hour yoga teacher training course in Rishikesh, combines asana training with an intensive knowledge of proper alignment, pop-ups, meditationYoga philosophyKundalini, and breathing techniques.

To be as an RYS 200 (Registered Yoga School) accredited with Yoga Alliance the US, Yog Niketan Dham offers Yoga Alliance RYT 200 completion certificate to each student after the successful completion of 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.

Our students might use this certificate to work as a Registered Yoga Teacher anywhere or as mentors in their yoga studios.

What is the Purpose of Yoga Training?


Key Benefits of 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

Beginners with basic knowledge of yoga wish to expand their yogic wisdom.

We facilitate the most traditional and authentic yoga healing teachings to our students during yoga 200 hour training.

Professionals with years of experience but lacking formal and advanced yoga teacher training.

All our students receive a Yoga Alliance, US 200 hour Yoga teaching certification. We simply polish their yoga skills with proper observation.

Daily practitioners who wish to enhance their yoga skills with our best 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

We have a dedicated team of well-trained, reputable, and highly revered experienced yoga teachers in India who deliever their expertization to daily yoga classes.

Enthusiasts who want to teach yoga methodologies and philosophy professionally after having yoga teaching certification.

To become a yoga teacher when you step in teaching world, we guide you in the teaching methodologies. We prefer small batches size of classes for our students to have personal attention to all.

Aspirants looking to start their yoga studios after completing 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.

We provide all the information how to setup your own yoga studio with all equipments information and how to setup them in proper directions.

Healers who wish to complete Yoga teacher training in a healing sanctuary.

Auspicious yoga wisdom with traditional practices like healing practices, different therapies, Pilates, and Ayurveda principles.


Daily Schedule of 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh India

Timing   Session

6:00 am



6:30 am -7:00 am


Shatkarma / Pranayama

7:00 am – 8:30 am


Hatha yoga/ alignment sessions

8:30 am – 9:30 am



10:00am – 11:00 am


Yoga Anatomy/ Teaching practice

11:00am – 12:00 pm


Adjustment and pop-ups class

12:00 pm – 2:30 pm


Lunch/ Free time

2:30 pm – 3:30 pm


Yoga philosophy/ literature class

4:00 pm – 5:30 pm


Ashtanga yoga/ kundalini yoga/ pilates

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm


Mantra chanting /self-healing/meditation

7:30 pm- 8:00 pm



9:00 pm


Lights Off

Yoga Course Rishikesh Syllabus

  • The definition and history of hatha yoga. Teaching more than 150 hatha yoga asanas with their terminologies.
  • Surya Namaskar (12 asanas series) has particular mantras to build inner and external awareness.
  • Chandra Namaskar (moon salutation) for rejuvenation and calming the body.
  • Sukshma Vyayama (warming up exercises, Joint and gland workings).
  • Standing series of postures. (30-40 postures)
  • Kneeling series of asanas. (20-25 poses)
  • Sitting series of poses. (35-40 postures)
  • Prone series of postures. (10-15 asanas)
  • Supine series of asanas. (20-25 postures)
  • Inversion series of asanas. (20-30 poses)
  • Proper sequencing of asanas practice during 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • Importance of alignment and adjustment of particular asanas.
  • Asanas benefits and their contra-indications.
  • An introduction and briefing on Patanjali’s eight limbs Ashtanga yoga system.
  • Ashtanga practices with all four Warrior pose extensions during 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh.
  • Practice extensions for the adjustment of the body.
  • The practice of Strength building, stretching, endurance, and balancing poses with alignment.
  • Primary first 3 levels during the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • Drishtis in the Ashtanga series and their importance.
  • Importance of Ujjayi breathing and Bandhas in Ashtanga yoga series.
  • The meaning of prana and pranayama. Their differences and workings.
  • Types of pranayamas and their workings during the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • The practice of eight major traditional pranayamas and their effects on the human body.
  • Thoracic breathing, Chest breathing, & Diaphragmatic breathing. Their workings and usages.
  • What is Nadi?
  • Introduction of significant nadis in our body.
  • Indian darshan or six Indian philosophies during the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • Basic introduction to Yoga Science. History of yoga.
  • An introduction about moksha or liberation.
  • The five Koshas or sheaths in the human body.
  • Self-realization & liberation. Why?
  • What is consciousness? How does it differ from super-consciousness?
  • The four foundational pillars of life.
  • Eight limbs of yoga by Maharishi Patanjali.
  • What is the waking state in yoga science?
  • What is a dreaming state in yogic science?
  • What is meditation and yoga nidra? How are they alike?
  • Introduction of Yoga Anatomy and Physiology during 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.
  • Introduction of human Skeletal and Muscular Systems. The contraction in the Muscular System.
  • Introduction of the respiratory system and Yogic breathing during the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • Connection of Pranayama practices to circulatory, digestive and Immune Systems.
  • How asanas practice work and their various effect on Joints, Spinal cord, and the muscles.
  • The structure of our spine and its movement in Yoga practices.
  • To know the basic structure and types of joints to avoid injury during Asana classes.
  • What is Dhyana or Meditation? Different types of Meditation.
  • What is the difference between Dharna and Dhyana?
  • Chakra Meditation or Chakra balancing.
  • Breath Awareness Meditation during the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • Contemplative Walking Meditation.
  • Mantra Awareness Meditation. How is it similar to Mauna Sadhana?
  • Inner Light Meditation.
  • Full Moon Meditation.
  • An Introduction of Yog Nidra or Yogic Sleep. Benefits of Yogic sleep.
  • Three states of consciousness.
  • How is Yog Nidra different from Meditation?
  • How does Yoga Nidra practice cure Insomnia & other mental problems?
  • Six steps of doing Asana correctly. How do you use props for protection?
  • Introduction of side bending and front & back bending.
  • How can the mind be made flexible by making the body flexible?
  • Alternative style of Asana for various benefits.
  • Various limitations and contraindications of specific Yoga practices.
  • What are Shatkarmas? An Introduction of Shat Karmas according to classical Hatha Yoga.
  • Daily practicum of Jal Neti and Sutra Neti (Cleansing Mucous or blockages from nasal passages and sinuses).
  • Practicals of Kunjal Kriya (Cleansing the excessive mucous from the digestive tract).
  • The practice of Danda Dhauti is to cleanse the stomach and heart tracking.
  • Importance of Shatkarmas in Yogic tradition. 
  • Introduction of Mantra Yog. Importance of (OM)-AUM.
  • Mantra for Meal Purification during the best 200 hour yoga teacher training in India.
  • Mantra for Obstacles. Mantra for Self Realization.
  • Mantra for universal masters to bless.
  • Chanting for self-confirmation.
  • Mantra for well-being. 
  • Learn almost 25 Mantras for a better life.
  • Hatha Yog Pradipika explains the importance of mudras or gestures. Types of Mudras.
  • Knowledge of Mudras for curing the Ailments.
  • Physical, Mental, and Spiritual benefits of Mudras.
  • Practicum of Gyana & Chin Mudra. Practicum of Ashwini Mudra.
  • Discipline for Yoga Teachers and Students.
  • A suitable and convenient teaching procedure.
  • A scope of listening, presence, directive, and non-directive dialogue between a teacher and student.
  • How vital is demonstration?
  • What are the preparations for the classroom?
  • What are several steps to becoming a great Yoga teacher?
  • Nine Main Doors in the Human Body.
  • What are Bandhas or Yogic locks?
  • What are their preparations & benefits?
  • Three Main Bandhas (Mool Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha, & Jalandhar Bandha) and their importance.
  • Maha Bandha- Great Lock.
  • What is Ayurveda? History of Ayurvedic practice.
  • How does Ayurvedic science help in Yogic life?
  • Pulse reading.
  • How do I find different Prakaritis after seeing people?
  • What are six tastes? How can six tastes balance the mind and body?
  • What are the three primary mind-body constitutions?
  • What is overall health meaning in Ayurveda?
  • Reiki practice.
  • Jin Shin Jyutsu.
  • Pranic Healing.
  • Tibetan Healing.
  • Group Discussion.
  • Non-contact hours preparation and sharing.
  • Preparation of class and discussing the difficulties.
  • The root cause of all pain and suffering is ignorance. How?
  • How do you manage a Yoga class?
  • The alignment and adjustment of body parts before Yogic practices.
  • Proper warm-up and well-suitable guidelines for the students.
  • A long and intensive practice of teaching and attaining command over the class.
  • Checking proper poses and techniques of students.
  • Proper instructions for practising Asanas, Pranayamas, and Meditation to the students.
Why is India the best place for Yoga Teacher Training in Rishikesh?

Yoga is known to have originated in Rishikesh, Garhwal Himalayas, a few thousand years ago, where the ancient sages practised and preached this art of living for spiritual objectives.

Since ancient times, Rishikesh has been established as the world’s yoga capital. Every year, hundreds of practitioners visit to enhance their yogic wisdom with 200 hour yoga teacher training in rishikesh.

Devprayag, a quaint spiritual town next to Rishikesh, enjoys a pristine location on the foothills of the majestic Himalayas and the banks of the Ganges.

We offer yoga sessions in different locations around the ashram. Dev Prayag is known for merging two rivers, Bhagirathi and Alaknanda.

Fee: $999/-

Duration : 28 Days

*Extra requirements are chargeable.

Upcoming Course Dates

1st January 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st February 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st March 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st April 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st May 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st June 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st July 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st August 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st September 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st October 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st November 2025

Location: Devprayag, India

1st December 2025

Location: Devprayag, India