Yog Niketan Dham

200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Online

Our Yoga Alliance US Certified 200-hour yoga teacher training online is the best yoga instructor certification course. 

We have the best online yoga classes in India, and they came into existence after considering the COVID-19 situation. 

Our experienced registered yoga teachers in India are now available live for the best online yoga classes and yoga instructor certification courses. 

This 200-hour yoga ttc online is perfect for yoga enthusiasts worldwide who have busy schedules and cannot travel.


200-hour yttc online course is according to Yoga Alliance US guidelines and is suitable for all levels of yoga practitioners.

Our online yoga classes offer traditional practices of multi-style Hatha Yoga, Transcendental Meditation, Shatkarmas, and Ashtanga Yoga, along with a blend of advanced healing practices.


This 200-hour yoga teacher training online combines nearly 150 yoga asanas with the intensive knowledge of designing a yoga class.

Our best online yoga classes include body adjustment, proper alignment, prop-ups, yoga Anatomy, meditationYoga philosophy, mantra chanting, and breathing techniques.


To be an RYS 200 (Registered Yoga School) accredited with Yoga Alliance US, Yog Niketan Dham offers each student a yoga instructor certification after completing 200-hour yoga teacher training online course.

After pursuing 200-hours yoga teacher training online, our students may utilise this certificate to work as Registered Yoga teachers and spread their yogic wisdom for a prosperous world.

Yoga Instructor Certification / Best Online Yoga Classes Highlights

  • Brief introduction about the history, definition, and meaning of Hatha Yog. It involves more than 150 Hatha yoga asanas practice.
  • Sukshma Vyayama (Warming up exercises for muscles, bones, joints, and other glands).
  • Asanas into standing series.
  • Kneeling series of poses.
  • Sitting series of asana.
  • Prone series of postures.
  • Supine series of asanas.
  • Inversion series of postures.
  • Importance of adjustment and sequencing of appropriate poses.
  • During 200 hour yoga teacher training online, we explained Asana’s benefits and contra-indications in detail.
  • 200 hour yoga teacher training online is a great platform to learn promising practices of Ashtanga yoga.
  • Meaning and introduction of traditional Ashtanga Yoga practice.
  • The practice of power yoga, strength building, endurance, and balancing poses.
  • Primary first three levels.
  • Drishtis in the Ashtanga yoga series and their importance.
  • Importance of Ujjayi breathing and making Bandhas in the Ashtanga series.
  • Meaning and difference between prana and pranayama?
  • Types of different pranayama practices.
  • The practice of the essential eight traditional Pranayamas.
  • Thoracic breathing, Chest breathing, and diaphragmatic breathing.
  • What is Nadi or the veins?
  • Introduction of major Nadis in our body.
  • Indian Darshan or six eastern philosophies.
  • Introduction of Yoga Science. History of Yoga.
  • The five Koshas or sheaths in human body.
  • Self-Realization & Liberation. Why?
  • What is Consciousness, sub-consciousness, and super-consciousness?
  • The four foundational pillars of life.
  • Eight limbs of Yoga by Patanjali.
  • What is the waking state in Yogic world?
  • What is a dreaming state in Yogic Science?
  • What are Meditation and Yoga Nidra? How are they alike?
  • Introduction of Yoga Anatomy and Physiology?
  • Introduction of human Skeletal, Muscular Systems, and contraction in the Muscular System.
  • Introduction of Respiratory system and Yogic breathing.
  • The Shat kriya practices and their benefits on the body.
  • Connection of Pranayama practices to digestive and Immune Systems.
  • How asanas practice work and their various effect on Joints, Spinal cord, and the muscles.
  • To know the basic structure and types of joints to avoid injury during Asana classes.
  • What is Dhyana or Meditation? Different types of Meditation.
  • What is the difference between Dharna and Dhyana?
  • Chakra Meditation.
  • Breath Awareness Meditation.
  • Contemplative Walking Meditation.
  • Mantra Awareness Meditation.
  • Inner Light Meditation.
  • Full Moon Meditation.
  • Six steps of doing Asana correctly. How to use props for protection?
  • Introduction of side bending and front & back bending.
  • How to make the mind flexible by making the body flexible?
  • Alternative style of Asana for various benefits.
  • Various limitations and contraindications of specific Yoga practices.
  • What are shatkarmas? An Introduction of Shat Karmas according to classical Hatha Yoga.
  • Daily practicum of Jal Neti and Sutra Neti (Cleansing Mucous or blockages from nasal passages and sinuses).
  • Practicals of Kunjal Kriya (Cleansing the excessive mucous from the digestive tract).
  • The practice of Danda Dhauti to cleanse the stomach and heart tracking.
  • Importance of Mudras according to Hatha Yog Pradipika. Types of Mudras.
  • Knowledge of Mudras for curing the Ailments.
  • Physical, Mental, and Spiritual benefits of Mudras.
  • Practicum of Gyana & Chin Mudra. Practicum of Ashwini Mudra.
  • Discipline for Yog Teachers and Students.
  • A scope of listening, presence, directive, and non-directive dialogue in between a teacher and student.
  • How important is demonstration?
  • What are the preparations for the classroom?
  • What are several steps to becoming a great Yoga teacher?
  • Nine Main Doors in Human Body.
  • What are Yogic locks?
  • What are its preparations & benefits?
  • Three Main Bandhas(Mool Bandha, Uddiyana Bandha & Jalandhar Bandha) and their importance.
  • Maha Bandha- Great Lock.
  • What is Ayurveda Science?
  • How does the Ayurvedic art of living help in Yogic life?
  • What are six tastes? How can six tastes balance the mind and body?
  • What are the three primary mind-body constitutions?
  • What does health mean in Ayurveda?
  • Knowledge of pulse reading.
  • What are Doshas, and how do they affect the human body?

Online Yoga Classes Schedule:

Day Session
Monday:Yoga for Beginners
Tuesday:Yoga for Strengthening
Wednesday:Hatha Yoga Class
Thursday:Yoga for Flexibility
Friday:OFF DAY
Saturday:Adjustment and pop-up class
Sunday:Pranayama & Meditation class

Best Online Yoga Classes Fee Structure:

Duration Group Class Private Class
60 Min. $30 USD $40 USD
90 Min. $40 USD $60 USD
Online 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Fee:

$599 USD

Next Course: June 1st, 2024
Yoga Counseling:

$60 USD

(for 60 min.)

Upcoming Course Dates

1 June, 2024

Online classes

1 September, 2024

Online Classes

1 October, 2024

Online classes

1 November, 2024

Online classes

1 December, 2024

Online classes